2018-03-15 07:57 AM
I'm currently evaluating the S2LP radio chip on an FKI868V1 and I'm trying to reach sensitivity marks described in the datasheet.
I'm having trouble getting the kind of sensitivity expected when testing at 300 bps data rate. The exception rate of packets is less than it is at 1.2 kbps and I can't understand why.
Can someone please help me achieve better results at the lower data rate?
#s2-lp2018-03-16 01:25 AM
Hi Adamz,
What would be your test condition?
Maybe try to lower the channel filter?
Best Regards,
2018-03-20 11:58 AM
Hello Winfred,
Thank you for responding...
I am using a pi network with a know loss of approx. 90 dB and I've set the output transmitter power to -31 dBm
I'm testing both the 1.2 kbps and 300 bps and seem to get worse results with 300 (12 to 15% packet drop as compared to 3 to 5 %)
I've tried decreasing channel filtering and no effect.
I would really be interested in a register dump of the radio settings being used for marks placed in data sheet.
Thanks for any help,
2018-03-21 09:26 PM
Hi Adamz,
Agree that 300 bps should have better results than 1.2 kbps.
Since you were testing close to the sensitivity limit, i wonder if the environment noise is low enough for the tests, or maybe air condition fluctuated between 300 bps and 1.2 kbps tests.
Could you repeat the tests in a shielding room?
About the register settings for marks in data sheet, i don't have that information either. I'll leave it for someone else to comment further.
Thank you.
Best Regards,