2021-08-11 02:24 PM
having started 2 S2-LP evaluation boards and setting the base frequency in the GUI to 915 MHz. 1ste S2-LP calculates 914.999.999 Hz and second one calculates 915.000.004 Hz with corresponding Synth register values 0x02 0x49 0x98 0xF8 hex and 0x02 0x49 0x98 0x87 hex . ... If I calculate the base fequency for given Synth register values then it will result in respectively 914.997.892 Hz and 914.995.198 Hz.
How is it possible that both GUI calculate different Synth value (same firmware is running) knowing that a both s2-LP boards have fixed 50MHz oscullator is on the board ?
I have calculated the theoretical Synth value for 915MHz with a 50MHz oscillator and it give me 38.377.882 or 0x02 0x49 0x99 0x9A.
For given Synth values calculated by the GUI for given 915 MHz base frequency the calculated base frequency has respectively (synth 0x02 0x49 0x98 0x87 hex value ) 4.802 KHz and (synth 0x02 0x49 0x98 0xF8 hex value) 2.108 kHz offset.
Is this a known issue, could it be a problem or is the 50MHz onboard oscillator measured explaining the different Synth values for the same given 915 MHz in the GUI ?
Hoping to receive some reaction, I remain,
Patrick Pelgrims