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S2-LP automatic ACK


I’m testing S2-LP sub-GHz transceivers in stack packet mode. I’m encountering an issue where the sequence number in ACK packets sent by the receiver doesn’t seem to be populated correctly. If I’m not mistaken, when automatic acknowledgment is requested by the transmitter, the receiver should send back an ACK packet with the same sequence number - that's how the transmitter knows which packet is being acknowledged. However, in my case, the receiver is using 'its own' sequence number, incremented with each transmitted acknowledgement, regardless of the sequence number it received from the transmitter. Effectively, transmitted and received sequence numbers on the transmitter side don't match and 'TX data sent' interrupt is not triggered.

The table below shows the transmission and acknowledgment process between one transmitter and two receivers. Green indicates packets acknowledged correctly, red incorrectly. The 'Seq#' represents the 2-bit value in the STack packet.


Now, for example If I set the sequence number for the transmitter to 2 before transaction #4 using PROTOCOL2 register and SEQUENCE_UPDATE command the packet would be acknowledged correctly.

I would appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction on how to resolve this issue.

Kind regards,
