2021-05-26 2:10 AM
I am in the process of migrating from spirit1 to S2LP, I am stuck in the calibration of the frequency, before in spirit 1 it is mentioned in the datasheet of spirit1 via equation 3
On the other hand in the S2LP datasheet in equation 6 it's mentionned =>
So I want to know where is the foffset on the S2LP equation 6
2021-05-26 11:36 PM
The offset frequency is a correction term which can be set to compensate the crystal inaccuracy after e.g. lab calibration.
Please refer to equation 7 -
foffset = (fxo / 2^18) * FC_OFFSET
FC_OFFSET is a 12-bit integer (expressed as 2's complement number) set by the FC_OFFSET[1:0] registers
2021-05-26 11:39 PM
For S2LP, the frequency offset is not calibrated with registers. So foffset is not shown.
2021-05-27 1:45 AM
Thanks for your reply Winfred, so if the frequency offset is not calibrated with registers, is there a software workaround to fix this issue ? it means is there an alternative solution ?
2021-05-30 11:34 PM
The crystal shall be calibrated in hardware.
Then the compensation can be done firmware, by measuring frequency differences on a generating single wave and configure accordingly.
This is used for most communication protocols such as Sigfox.