2022-03-07 10:25 PM
Hello All,
I am working on a custom board which has BlueNRG-2 IC as a connectivity chip with Mobile App. I am now planning to migrate to BlueNRG-LP IC because of memory limitation in BlueNRG-2.
Is there any migration document for the same?
Following are the components which I am currently using in BlueNRG-2:
2022-03-08 2:00 AM
Hi @_KSoni.3 ,
There is two aspect to consider while migrating from BlueNRG-2 to BlueNRG-LP :
At first, let me say that code philosophy is the same between BlueNRg-2 and BlueNRG-LP. That means that if you are used with BlueNRG-2, BlueNRG-LP will not be a proble.
To start, I would advise to download and install BlueNRG-LP SDK. It includes multiples code examples and some of them should already answers your needs - In my opinion, probably easier to modify those code examples for your own needs. There is also dedicated code examples for each peripherals ( UART/DMA/I2C/SP/...).
Coming back to migration ( BLE stack migration), either you can use code example from BlueNRG-LP SDK or it exists a Migration BLE stack guidelines from v2.x to v3.x.
In any case, whatever your approach, you should consider a code example from BlueNRg-LP SDK as basis for your development (this is easiest way in my opinion)
This doc is part of BlueNRG-LP SDK : C:\Users\USER_NAME\BlueNRG-LP DK 1.1.0/doc/index.html