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Loading web pages with at+s.httpdfswrite

Andrew Waterworth
Associate II
Posted on January 09, 2018 at 18:33

Hello all

I have a idw01m1 connected to f401

All seems well with the set up and I am trying to load into the flash some web pages following Lab6 instructions

I have finally found the correct cygwin to form the outfile.

typing at+s.httpdfswrite=19540 cr data.

The module declares crc errors

I take it that I have got the data length wrong  (taken from file properties in windows)

Has any body got a suggestion as to what I am doing wrong please.


Posted on January 10, 2018 at 10:41

From module's point of view:

- use flow control (mandatory to start&stop transmission while writing into flash)

- use same image needed by OTA update (httpfsupdate command)

- use 'Size' length; do not use 'Size on disk' length (for Win users)

- send image as binary file (check this flag on PC tool, if any)

This is enough I think

Andrew Waterworth
Associate II
Posted on January 10, 2018 at 20:42

thanks for the reply Gerado,

I have spent a couple hours to no avail.

This is the set up I am using.

Teraterm com3 115200  hardware flow control, 1ms between caracters.

sending file with binary selected.

outfile properties as reported by windows size 19k (19.540)   size on disc 20k (20480)

Posted on January 11, 2018 at 13:52

OK for flowcontrol between PC and STM32 (idw01m1 application). Please be sure that flowcontrol enabled between STM32 and SPWF01 too (there is a configuration variable to be set onto module).

STM32CubeExpansion_WIFI1_V3.1.1? Are you using WiFi_VCOM application? Which target platform (STM32)?

Andrew Waterworth
Associate II
Posted on January 11, 2018 at 20:15

That must be it then I have been trying to do this from pre compilled version

Now I have loaded the files in to system work bench.

But to save me some time can you point me in the right direction for change to be made

Regards  Andrew

main board nucleoF401RE