2018-07-05 10:27 PM
I'm using a Nucleo-F401RE whith HSE at 9.8304MHz.
I try to receive, on UART6, IRDA frames of unknown dimension : from 4 to 60 bytes max; the third code received specify, by a table, the length of the frame. (STX, DEST ADDRESS, COMMAND_CODE, (N-PARAMETERS))
Interrupt is enabled and I'm using receiveng byte after byte:
HAL_IRDA_Receive_IT(&hirda6, DataTemp,1);
IRDA settings are:
hirda6.Init.BaudRate = 38400;
hirda6.Init.WordLength = IRDA_WORDLENGTH_8B; hirda6.Init.Parity = IRDA_PARITY_NONE; hirda6.Init.Mode = IRDA_MODE_TX_RX; hirda6.Init.Prescaler = 1; hirda6.Init.IrDAMode = IRDA_POWERMODE_NORMAL;Receiving is made by a personal procedure due to the arriving frames:
void USART6_IRQHandler(void) { uint32_t isrflags = READ_REG(hirda6.Instance->SR); uint32_t cr1its = READ_REG(hirda6.Instance->CR1);/*UART Receiver? -----------------------------------------------*/
if(((isrflags & USART_SR_RXNE) != RESET) && ((cr1its & USART_CR1_RXNEIE) != RESET))
{ /*data ready?*/ if(hirda6.Instance->SR & USART_SR_RXNE) { temp=hirda6.Instance->DR; Buffer_irDA_RX[irDA_RX_index] = temp; if(irDA_RX_index++>irDA_RX_MAX dataAnalize(); //where I close the communication and reset IRDA else if(irDA_R_index==3) irDA_RX_MAX=Table[temp]; }}
The question: after 4 bytes received system 'stops' the reception for sometime, so some bytes are irrecuperable (may be 5 or 6) From debugger NO ERRORS FOUND OF ANY TYPE ON IRDA
Some Idea? many thanks.
2018-07-12 9:44 AM
You should perhaps look if the USART is flagging an framing or noise errors.
The variables and mechanics here are not visible.
Any processing/analysis needs to complete within one byte time.