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IOLINK STEVAL-IDP004V2 and STEVAL-IDP003V1 no communication with the PC

Associate III

Hi community,

I have purchased the STEVAL-IDP004V2 master evaluation board and STEVAL-IDP003V1 ( with STEVAL-IDP003V1T temperature sensor ).

I connected the STEVAL-IDP004V2 and the STEVAL-IDP003V1 and the USB cable (Not RS485) on my PC.

I downloaded the STEVAL-IDP004V1_USB.hex file with STLInkV2 on STEVAL-IDP004V2 master board . I haven't uploaded anything to STEVAL-IDP003V1 sensor board.

Now I had removed the STLink-V2 and powered on the board (24V) ...I see the 4 green leds (sensor1, sensor2, sensor3, sensor4) on STEVAL-IDP004V2 light up for 2-3 sec and the 4 leds on transceivers on STEVAL-IDP004V light up fixed .



Then the 2 LEDs (red and green) of STEVAL-IDP003V1 (sensor) light up fixed also the 4 leds on transceivers on STEVAL-IDP004V .



When I try to connect the STEVAL-IDP004V with my PC with teraterm (according to the AN5041 pag24 point 4.2) or with the STEVALIDP0005x-GUI, I  have these errors,  also if I change the baud rate.:






Can you help me?

Is it also not possible to load the first firmware package (STSW-IO-LINK STSW-IO-LINK - IO-Link demonstration kit firmware - STMicroelectronics) into STCube IDE, use debugging and download the FW from there?

best regards


ST Employee

The HEX file STEVAL-IDP004V1_USB.hex was intended for the obsolete STEVAL-IDP004V1 and can not be used with STEVAL-IDP004V2 (for more information see AN5041). The software package STSW-IO-LINK was also intended for the STEVAL-IDP004V1 as you can see from the project data it contains.

As I already mentioned in this thread, STMicroelectronics works together with the company TEConcept regarding support for IO-Link.

Hope that helps?


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Associate III

Good morning

seems to be a different problem....

I was contacted by TEConcept and their technicians told me:

" flashed the board with the STEVAL-IDP004V1_USB.hex . Then you deleted the bootloader from the board, As far I know, without the bootloader the firmware is not able to run, since a firmware should be started by the bootloader....I was checking the situation with my colleague due to licensing reasons with ST we are not able to send the any recovery firmware, since basically you need a bootloader firmware which has been developed for ST directly, we cannot send it to you as would violate our business agreement with ST...."


TEConcept seems to be unable to help me.

Can you help me to re-program with a FW bootloader + FW app demo the STEVAL-IDP004V2?

Can you send me a recovery FW (boot+app)?