2016-05-30 3:55 PM
Hello guys,
i'm new in programming stm32f0. I have stm32f091rc and i want to interface uSD using SPI peripheral. first i used stm32cubemx to select the SPI1 peripheral and configured the clock. then i exported the generated HAL libraries to uVision IDE. but i don't know how to continue.I read that first i need to write i/o driver APIs then link these APIs with FATfsbut i wasn't able to find any example similar to my project (using HAL libraries- uVision and STM32F0)I coded the SPI transmit and receive functions in blocking mode. but what are the other functions to initialize the sd card and check it's status? and how can i use them with SPI and FatFs.Thanks in advance #stm32f0 #spi #stm32 #uvision #usd2016-05-31 4:42 AM
I am pretty sure you are not in the right forum section, but here are some pointers. I advise you to find examples for more advanced MCUs. There is a SPI SD example for F3 devices, but the code only works for non sdhc/sdxc cards. There is a version that also works with these larger cards in the F4 or F7 library. If I am right, you need to reuse the fatfs and sd driver and rewrite the BSP driver for your MCU2016-05-31 8:55 AM
Hi the.green.beret,
Try to put your STM32 related request in the relevant forums which are :/
>STM32 Software Tools and Firmware