2023-06-07 10:27 PM
Hello, I am a beginner trying to make a project with stm32 nucleo l452re and s2lp on steval fki868v2. I downloaded the s2lp library which has a drivers folder (with subfolders BSP,S2LP Library, MCU, S2LP_Middleware,Utils).
When I add this to the stm32cube Ide project under drivers and give include paths in project properties and then try to use some functions of the library, or replicate basicgeneric.c example, I get a cascade of compiler errors.
Pls help me out.
A sample project link as to how all the folders are to be included without errors in compilation and what paths to give to compiler would be extremely helpful.
2024-08-06 1:06 AM
Hi there I am also struggeing with this device. First you should install in CubeIDE the X-Cube-SUBG2 in the Middleware and Software Tab. If you choose this in your STM reooisitory a package "X-CUBE-SUBG2" is downloaded. In the subfolder 5.0.0/Documentation you will find a pdf "STMicroelectronics.X-CUBE-SUBG2_GettingStarted.pdf" which explains how to set up a project. Further you will find under Projects/Nucleo-.. StmCubeIde Project ready to compile.