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How to solve the bluenrg-ms initialization fail?

Associate II

​I made a custom board with BlueNRG-MS.

However, the initial response is not correct after reset - compare with chapter 3.5 Test procedure in the AN4494.

The first message after reset is correct, but the response is invalid from the 2nd reply.

04, FF, 03, 01, 00, 02 (<- should be 01)

So the command response is always timeout.

How to solve this problem?

Associate II


So couple of points i would like ask for understanding the situation better

  1. What is Current Stack in BlueNRG-MS module?
  2. Which firmware is being used ?
  3. Is there any resistance to reset?
  4. Are you able to pass any generic API of HCI layer like hci_le _rand ?


Best Regards

​Sorry for my explanation is not sufficient in detail.

  1. I made a custom board with STM32L476RE (LQFP-64) + BlueNRG-MSTQR (VQFN-32) - it's not module, just IC and balun.
  2. I don't know, util I can't access the information of BlueNRG-MS IC.
  3. no resistor. However, I use the pulldown function of bluenrg_reset GPIO pin.
  4. timeout for any commands.

According to the application note AN4494, some event messages is sent by the bluenrg after reset.

(The chapter 3.5 Test procedure demonstrate the messages after reset.)

Except for the first event message, I cannot obtain correct values.


This is my captured messages after reset.


I referred the sensortile schematic, at first. so I attach the 32MHz crystal to the bluenrg.

It does not work correctly, so I change the clock source same as development kit's - steval-idb005v1d.

But the message does not change.

Associate II

​Report my test procedures.

  • This is my design with bluenrg-ms


  • Change clock source as steval-idb005v1d. (16MHz + 32.768KHz)

           => initial message is same (finished with 0x02) and timeout for any command.

  • Change the NO_SMPS signal level as steval-idb005v1d (Pull-down)

          => initial message is same (finished with 0x02) and timeout for any command.

What is the problem for me?

Associate II

​Report my test procedures.

I'd ported the BlueNRG_Stack_IFR_Updater project for STM32L476RE in BlueNRG DK 2.0.2 Firmware Project.

In conclusion, the initialization problem of this project ahs been solve.

It's cause by spi polling functions in the bluenrg_interface.c.

At first, I'd ported the STM32L15x code without changing the code as much as possible.

The problem was solved by replacing the SPI polling function with the ST Cube Library function.

(The ALLMEMS project of sensortile gave me a hint.)

However, Virtual_COM_Port project still not working.

In order to connect with BlueNRG GUI Application, the corresponding project needs to operate correctly.

(I'm still looking for the reason)

Is there any DK firmware project for F4 or L4 Series?


No DK firmware project is not available for F4 and L4

But for Virtual Com , you may refer X-CUBE-BLE1 ​