2016-03-03 12:34 AM
Hai !
I am having two wifi modules and I have configured the initial settings.In both the modules I am getting the status ''Handshake Complete''.After this i tried to give command ''AT'' and both giving the response OKnow I have sent the command ''AT+S.SOCKD=8855'' only one module responds OK and the other now is showing ''ERROR: Command not found''. Could you please help me why it is so?Also tell me how to update the firmware through cable2016-03-03 4:35 AM
''command not found'' means the module contains an old FW version (use FW3.5 on both of them), or provided command was not properly formatted (check string).About the UART update, take a look at the hands-on manual.2016-03-03 6:10 AM
2016-03-03 6:14 AM