2017-11-28 12:59 AM
config: spwf04sx interface uart and stm32F401RB:
i inform you i found a bug in n.x-cube-wifi1_firmware_v3.0.2 in wifi_module_uart_04.c in function Process_Wind_Indication case WiFi__MiniAP_Associated to get client_MAC_address. ptr_offset is NULL because +WIND:28 is not present in the string ptr! In this case the string is 'Station Associated:44:52:65:87:25:0' without '+WIND:28'
case WiFi__MiniAP_Associated:
//Find out which client joined by parsing the WIND //+WIND:28//X ptr_offset = (char *) strstr((const char *)ptr,'+WIND:28');
Relace by:
ptr_offset = (char *)strchr((const char *)ptr,':'); //'Station Associated<:>'Add test to check if pointer is not NULL
if (ptr_offset != NULL) { strncpy((char*)WiFi_Counter_Variables.client_MAC_address,(ptr_offset+1),17); } //X for(i=17;i<=33;i++) //X WiFi_Counter_Variables.client_MAC_address[i-17] = *(ptr_offset + i); IO_status_flag.WiFi_WIND_State = WiFiAPClientJoined; break;Same problem with cas WiFi_MiniAP_Disassociated and perhaps other.
2017-11-28 1:58 AM
Thanks for catching