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communication between 2 units S2-LP only 1 meter maximum 5 meter required 100m any idea ?


Hello. I am trying to establish a working wireless communication between two radio units using S2-LP components.

Both units are an S2-LP development kit which includes a nucleo-L053R8board with a mounted STEVAL-F433V2 board.

The code is the example project included in the S2-LP DK_1.2.1 software package.

The specific project compiled is the SDK_BasicGeneric_A.c example project in the 

\S2-LP DK_1.2.1\Projects\Projects_Cube\S2LPLibrary_Examples\MDK-ARM\STM32L053R8-Nucleo 

directory. (running on Windows 10).

It is compiled and flashed into the components using Keil uVision V5.26.2.0

The transmitter unit is flashed with the SDK_BasicGeneric_A.c code (transmitter code) and the receiver unit is flashed with the SDK_BasicGeneric_B.c code (receiver code).

The issue is, while I manage to establish a one-way communication, the range of reception is extremely limited. Any distance between receiver and transmitter beyond about one meter causes loss of reception. The receiver reports a maximum RSSI of -79dBm when transmitter and receiver are close together (zero distance) and a minimum RSSI of -112dBm at the edge of the reception range (about a meter).

Changing the datarate did not seem to have any significant affect on the range, and local interference was pretty much eliminated.

As this is a long-range 433MHz communication device, we would like to resolve the issue and increase the range (we need at least 100-150 meters of reliable communication).

What can be done to increase the range and bring it to it's maximum potential? Is there a need for external amplification on transmission? or should the settings be change to achieve full range? (attached is the file SDK_BasicGeneric_A.c (transmitter code) we are using.

ST Employee

Hi, Actually the STEVAL-FKI433V2 is not designed to do RF test range because it's ground plane is bad.

It does not reflects the real range the S2LP can achieve.

(FYI, STEVAL-FKI433V2 (433MHz) groundplane have the same size that the STEVAL-FKI868V2 (868MHz) and it's half the frequency. that's why).

By playing with the modulation/DR/FDEV/CHF you should increase the range.

With an other antenna, on a light of sight environment (without noise & obstacles) with : DR=38.4kbps : FDEV=20kHz : CHF=100kHz with modulation : 2-GFSK05 the STEVAL-FKI433V2 can reach up to 2.1km.

The antenna does impact a lot. The little antenna provided with your kit may be not matched @ 50ohm for 433MHz. You can change de antenna with one fully matched @433Mhz and it will increase by far the range.

Associate II


>> Any distance between receiver and transmitter beyond about one meter causes loss of reception.

One meter is really a short distance.

There must be a problem with the transmitter or the receiver.

Program the transmitting power to 0 dBm

If you have a spectrum analyzer, measure the transmitted power out of the SMA connector.

You will need a cable or an SMA to N adapter.

You should measure -3 dBm or something like that.


Enrico Migliore