2016-10-14 2:55 PM
I have a server socket that automatically goes into data mode when a client connects.
I would like to be able to go back to command mode by using the escape sequence ''at+s.'', but it doesn't work, even if I set a custom escape sequence.♯ nv_manuf = ST♯ nv_model = SPWF01SA1♯ version = 160129-c5bf5ce-SPWF01SSpecifically: the client sends me new WIFI config info. SSID, etc. I'd like to read each item, have the main processor set that option on the WiFi module, then echo back the reply to the client. I know I can read data on a socket while in command mode. The question is will a server socket allow command mode? #command-mode2016-10-16 2:38 PM
socket server is not supporting command mode. It's basically a cable replacement with a single remote client.
About escape sequence, be sure to send characters without delay between them, and do not append other characters (e.g. Cr and/or Lf). Test it by copy/paste in a terminal.