2018-04-25 8:28 PM
We have started proto-typing with BlueNRG2 reference board. However, I met a following problem.
If someone have had same experience or solution, please share with us.
- ROM image as a example of HID/HOGP provided by ST DK(BlueNRG-1_2 DK 2.6.0) works fine.
- ROM image built by Keil MDK v5.25 does not work correctly, behaves very unstable.
(randomly freezes, or sends no BT frames or sends invalid BT frames, sometimes discoverable, sometimes undiscoverable...)
- Target: HID_Mouse.hex
- IDE: Keil MDK v5.25
- Development Kit: BlueNRG-1_2 DK 2.6.0
- Project file: BlueNRG-1_2 DK 2.6.0\Project\BLE_Examples\BLE_HID_Peripheral_MDK-ARM\BlueNRG-2
- Build target: HID_Mouse
- Nothing modified from ST DK Release, Just cleaned and built.
- Codes, Project options, etc, nothing modified from original.
I guess ST original release would be built by IAR EWARM. If this problem comes from compiler issue, we need to avoid to use Keil MDK.
2018-04-29 6:09 AM
As a result of farther investigatin,
- ROM image build by IAREW ARM 8.22 works fine, as the same as ST DK release ROM.
Keil MDK is official supported by ST, stated in the DK document.
We are not sure, what is wrong with Keil MDK yet, however, we think ST-Micro team needs to clarify what is wrong...
Otherwise Keil MDK cannot be used for any development.
2018-04-29 9:37 AM
>>We are not sure, what is wrong with Keil MDK yet..
I'd start be easing off the optimization and seeing if that changes the dynamics, and if it does look for things that need to be volatile, but aren't
You should work with the local ST office supporting your design.