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BlueNRG2 - New project questions

Associate II

I'm starting a new SW project for a BlueNRG2

module and it's not clear what the currently preferred

development toolchain is. I want to make sure I'm not using deprecated tools.

The BlueNRG2 will be used as an application processor (i.e. not connected to a host processor) that will monitor the state of IO pins and expose them over BLE. The software needs to implement that application logic as well as BLE functionallity.

It looks like STM32CubeIDE does not support programming of the BlueNRG2 module. There's an X-CUBE-BLE2 module, but I think that's for code running on an STM32 that's interfaced to an BlueNRG2 configured as a network processor. Is that correct? I'm currently using Atollic TrueStudio.

I don't see an SWO pin, so debug console output through RTT is not supported, correct?

BlueNRG DK 3.2.1 is the source of example projects, which I'm running on both a dev board (STEVAL-IDB008V2) and on a BlueNRG-2 module located on a custom board. Is this the best place to start for a new SW project?

I'm having difficulty creating a new SW project that can program and run on the module. Is there documentation for how to set up a new project from scratch rather than starting from an existing example project?
