2015-02-18 3:32 AM
I have some troubles while discovering ble devices:no matter
I set
the interval
scanning (to aci_gap_start_general_discovery_proc function) procedure
10 seconds
.Can I
reduce the duration of
the scan
Regards, Andrei Kukenov2015-02-19 3:10 AM
Hi Andrei,
the aci_gap_start_general_discovery_proc procedure is terminated when the procedure Aci_Gap_Terminate_Gap_Procedure with the procedure code set to 0x02 is send or a timeout happens (10.24 seconds).
Therefore if you want to reduce the scan procedure, you can send the Aci_Gap_Terminate_Gap_Procedure with the procedure code set to 0x02.
Graziella Marchese2015-02-19 4:05 AM
Hi, Marchese
Thacks a lot for your quick reply!!! Regards, Andrei Kukenov