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BlueNRG-2 ADV_DIRECT_IND examples



So I have this ADV_IND advertisement mode, which works just fine:




   // Advertising definitions
   ret = aci_gap_set_discoverable(ADV_IND,                           // Connectable undirected advertising
                                 (ADV_INTERVAL_MIN_MS * 1000)/625,   // Minimum advertising interval
                                 (ADV_INTERVAL_MAX_MS * 1000)/625,   // Maximum advertising interval
                                  STATIC_RANDOM_ADDR,                // Random device address
                                  NO_WHITE_LIST_USE,                 // Advertising filter policy
                                  sizeof(local_name),                // Length of the local_name field in octets
                                  local_name,                        // Local name of the device
                                  0,                                 // Length of the Service Uuid List in octets
                                  NULL,                              // List of the UUIDs
                                  0,                                 // Minimum value for slave connection interval (NaN)
                                  0);                                // Maximum value for slave connection interval (NaN)
   if (ret != BLE_STATUS_SUCCESS)
      ActiveState = BLEState_ERROR;
      TargetState = BLEState_ERROR;
      BLE_DRIVER_TRACE("Device set discoverable not accepted. Error = 0x%02x", ret);




I would like to understand how to take a paired device and attempt to directly advertise to that using the ADV_DIRECT_IND mode, but I cannot find any examples of that and just exchanging ADV_IND above to ADV_DIRECT_IND results in an BLE_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS error, which I guess makes sense as I have not defined what device I want to target my advertisement at.

Sooo, is there an example of how to setup the ADV_DIRECT_IND advertisement mode?

Also, what does this mean in practice? I assume other devices scanning for BLE advertisements will not "see" this advertisement at all then? Technically there will be an advertisement sent out, but in practice I assume it is filtered by any device for which it is not targeted?