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Is there any example code of using BlueNRG2 SoC in mesh and to exchange data using its UART pins from the virtual terminal ?


I am using Keil for the development and has run GPIO & UART examples given in BlueNRG-1_2 DK 3.1.0

The objective is to connect each BlueNRG2 SoC with Microcontroller via UART pins and exchange the information strings in between the microcotrollers using BlueNRG2 in mesh (Like transparent UART communication using BLE in Mesh).

Please guide for the same OR share any link/working code OR any document that help me for implementing it.


DId you look at the BLE-Mesh example firmware ?

This is compliant to Bluetooth SIG Mesh standard. Are you looking for it or anything different ?



I have downloaded the firmware and install it.

Then I open given example from

C:\Users\Administrator\ST\STSW-BNRG-Mesh 1.07.000\Firmware\Projects\BlueNRG-2\Applications\Lighting_Demo\MDK-ARM\STEVAL-IDB008Vx

I have gone through it. But, I haven’t found UART implementation in the code.

As per the given demo video Getting Started with BlueNRG-Mesh what I understood is to make a group of all BLEs to be connected them in a network via a mobile app and exchange commands to ON/OFF LEDs over Bluetooth via mobile app.

But, I'm looking for this communication (commands to ON/OFF LEDs) through virtual terminal (Not with mobile App).

Please guide if same firmware can be used to do communication (strings exchange) from one virtual terminal to another.

Winfred LU
ST Employee

Hi Bhim,

Surely it can. Please customize BlueNRG-Mesh sample project:

handle UART buffer in Appli_Process(), then

when an expected UART command is received, sends out Mesh messages accordingly, such as BluenrgMesh_ModelsCommand().

For the UART peripheral samples, please refer to STSW-BLUENRG-DK

The projects are located: BlueNRG-1_2 DK 3.1.0\Project\BlueNRG1_Periph_Examples\UART

Best Regards,


Associate II

Hi Winfred,

I tried to do what you tell us. But when you say " handle UART", what functions do you refer to ?

Where do you put BluenrgMesh_ModelCommand() ? I'm sorry but i'm new to ST's device and i don't catch how to do it.

Do you have a project that combine mesh and uart ?
