2020-05-26 3:04 PM
I'm using BlueNRG-1 to beacon some messages.
I tested a simple scenarious:
I use the BLE_BEACON sample code with SDK 3.2.0.
The board is the STEVAL-IDB007V2 and my board that just have the BlueNRG-1 and the CR2032 battery. Both scenarios have external XTAL 16MHz and low speed crystal of 32kHz.
The following images are the consumption wave along the time.
1) Fist image I use the internal LS crystal setup (LS_SOURCE_INTERNAL_RO):
Note that almost 80% of the time the low power mode is successfully achieved.
There is something waking the SoC and hold for a long period until start advertising, and it happens some times.
2) The next image I used the external LS crystal (LS_SOURCE_EXTERNAL_32KHZ):
Using the external crystal, the bluenrg never achieve full low power completely.
There is something waking the SoC and hold for a long period until start advertising. It will kill my battery.
Another difference with previous scenario is the long period transmitting.
According to software "BlueNRG Current Estimation Tool", the transmission time is 2.5ms. It not happen here.
I presumed using external crystal on DC-DC mode it will be the lowest power mode possible with BlueNRG1.
I attached the project files to help with my debug.
What I am doing wrong?
Thank you!!