2020-11-17 3:38 AM
in our application, we are using STEVAL-STLKT01V1 boards.
I ported the BLE Chat application from BlueNRG DK 2.0.2 to STEVAL-STLKT01V1 and I'm able to transfer data between client and server.
However, I discovered that data transfer rate is quite slow.
The transfer rate for data sent from server to client reaches about 6KBytes per second.
But in the opposite direction, for data sent from client to server, I'm getting a ridiculous speed of 160 bytes per second.
I'm having difficulties to understand if there are some options in the source code that could change those speeds.
How can I regulate the speed of the link in the BLE Chat application?
Thank you very much for your time.
Carlo Bramini.
2020-11-30 9:58 PM
Can you include a sniffer trace for this in wireshark, you can get a reasonably affordable sniffer based on the some Bluetooth DKs and I can help you setup the sniffer and then debug the issue.
Additionally print all the events and the event parameter of the connection
CONNECTED event and the timing parameters of the link, slave latency
Data Received Event for the Write command
Data transmitted command
so we can see if the commands are being sent slowly or there is a link side issue
so a log of all the commands and events is good to post to help in helping you.