2019-05-22 6:35 AM
Please help me with VL53l1.
1) Is it possible to read distance from individual pixel or is it only some kind of interpolation of the 4 x 4 region?
2) Is there a description of registers which should be modified (and how they should be modified) to set size and coordinates of ROI (or pixel if it is possible)? I managed to run en.STSW-IMG009, however it doesn’t have the above function (it is possible to set size only, but not coordinates). I tried to run en.STSW-IMG007 and failed.
Light lib has the following function:
VL53L1X_ERROR VL53L1X_SetROI(VL53L1_Dev_t dev, uint16_t X, uint16_t Y)
uint8_t OpticalCenter;
VL53L1X_ERROR status = 0;
status =VL53L1_RdByte(&dev, VL53L1_ROI_CONFIG__MODE_ROI_CENTRE_SPAD, &OpticalCenter);
if (X > 16)
X = 16;
if (Y > 16)
Y = 16;
if (X > 10 || Y > 10){
OpticalCenter = 199;
status = VL53L1_WrByte(&dev, ROI_CONFIG__USER_ROI_CENTRE_SPAD, OpticalCenter);
(Y - 1) << 4 | (X - 1));
return status;
What is the OpticalCenter and how can I calculate it?
2019-05-22 7:40 AM
Use the SW-IMG009.
Go to
And download App note
AN5191 Using the programmable region of interest (ROI) with the VL53L1.
the smallest region you can read is a 4x4.
The optical center is found and placed into non-volatile memory at manufacture during calibration. There is a function to read it.
And it should be used if your region is smaller than 10x10, otherwise to have to use the actual center - which is #199. (otherwise your region might be outside the bounds of the SPAD array.
You might need to download a newer version of the Ultra Light Driver. We keep adding features.
but check out the app note. It's what you want.
2019-05-22 11:35 PM
AN5191 suggests using of VL53L1_SetUserROI(). This is SW-IMG007 function. I just need the description of how to obtain data for ROI_CONFIG__USER_ROI_CENTRE_SPAD and ROI_CONFIG__USER_ROI_REQUESTED_GLOBAL_XY_SIZE registers. Then I will need just to write two bytes...
2019-05-22 11:41 PM
Sorry, found it in the last version of the ULD. Thank you.
2019-05-23 11:43 AM
Look at en.STSW-IMG009 which is easier learning curve driver in fewer source file.