2023-03-12 1:05 PM
For VL53L3CX, how do we measure frame rate during ranging ? I have reviewed datasheet but no information found in this.
Any help or information will be very much appreciated.
2023-03-12 1:18 PM
Related, https://community.st.com/s/question/0D53W00002ATS1USAX/timing-jitter-vl53l3cx
Generally I'd recommend if you're the OP to a topic/thread and you've got attention from staff, it is appropriate to add new/supplemental questions too that.
2023-03-12 1:51 PM
I agree thanks.
btw by separating questions, my only intent was to improve speed of response, clarity for responders and also possibly reduce the overhead of solving many questions from one post. But I’ll append all further questions here if you suggest that