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Training a model


Hello, I am trying to train your models on a custom dataset created with​ the STM32F401 and X-NUCLEO 53L5A1 expansion board, and I am new to these things. I have downloaded the hand_posture folder on the model zoo section on GitHub, and followed all the instructions to modify the yaml file and preparing the dataset. But when I run the file it tells me that not all dependencies have been iinstalled, even for other .py files that run with that main file. After I tried to find myself some of these missing dependencies (like Keras, Hydra and other stuff) there are many more missing and I could not find any of these online. Is there a repository to find the necessary files to run the training without errors?

Julian E.
ST Employee

Hello @FabioT2801,


In the cloned repository, you should have a file named requierements.txt

You need to run the following command in a cmd to install all the dependencies: pip install -r requierements.txt

Make sure to be in the folder where the requierement file is.


For more details, please check the before you start section here: GitHub - STMicroelectronics/stm32ai-modelzoo: AI Model Zoo for STM32 devices


Have a good day.


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