2023-05-23 11:16 AM
I made an anomaly detector using Nucleo-L412RB (Stm32l412rbt6p) dev board and your nano edge ai library and it was working perfectly(Great job!). After that I made an custom pcb using stm32l412rbt6 mcu mistakenly instead of Stm32l412rbt6p mcu. Now I cant run ml library into it because of different mcu.
Please provide me access to nano-edge-ai library for Stm32l412rbt6 so that I can run ml libraries into it and pitch my product.
2023-05-23 11:31 AM
The pin configuration on the parts is slightly different.
From a code side, likely relatively limited to initialization code, ie LDO vs SMPS and SystemClock_Config()
2023-05-24 12:35 AM - edited 2023-11-20 4:46 AM
The thing is I cant run ml models optimised for stm32l412rbt6p in stm32l412rbt6 as shown in code below.
I want to have access to stm32l4 mcuml models which is currently locked by nanoedge-studios.I have also posted screenshots for your reference.
2023-06-20 7:52 AM
You can use NanoEdge AI Studio for free with development board. However, this does not apply to custom PCBs. For custom PCBs, please contact NanoEdge directly.
Best Regards,
2023-07-04 4:50 AM
I am currently working on a N - class classification project
I am struck with building the code because of libneai.a file
Please help me with this
2023-08-08 1:55 AM
You can find information about deploying a NanoEdge AI library for N class classification here: https://wiki.st.com/stm32mcu/wiki/AI:NanoEdge_AI_Library_for_n-class_classification_(nCC)
Make sure that the target board selected in the project settings is the same than the board used for the deployment.
Make sure that you imported the libneai.a file (and the knowledge.h) in CubeIDE. Check if the paths are correct.
Best Regards,