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Error while configuring activations with X-CUBE-AI


I am trying to create an AI App with X-CUBE-AI but I encountered the following error:

TEMPLATE - Error create_and_init type=0x30 code=0x13

I have not touched the code yet so it is really frustrating. If I comment the line "MX_X_CUBE_AI_Init();" the code runs (but does nothing, as everyone could guess). 

I found some posts where the solution was to initialize the CRC, but the app is supposed to do it automatically and it seems that MX_CRC_Init(); is workign properly.

I tried to investigate where the error came from and it looks like it comes from the function ai_network_create_and_init, and if I am not mistaken from ai_network_init ( I could not trace back more than that).


Any idea of how to solve it?



I have the same problem. Looks like the problem happens because the activation buffer is missing. looks like the cube generates only the weights buffer.