2015-02-12 6:09 AM
I am currently working on a BLDC control application using SPC560P40 (Pictus) microcontroller and making use of the CTU (Cross-Triggering-Unit) to trigger ADC channels related to BEMF reading in closed loop control. The conversion for the ADC channel configured in CTU mode works fine, however while CTU is active (CTUEN=1) I cannot start a normal conversion for any other channel which is configured in NORMAL mode.
Is this a limitation of the PICTUS? The user manual is not very clear here... Thanks for advice, Benone #spc56 #adc #bldc #ctuSolved! Go to Solution.
2015-02-17 6:07 AM
in CTU in control mode
In CTU control mode, the CPU is able to write in the ADC registers but it cannot start anyconversion. Conversion requests can be generated only by the CTU trigger pulse. If anormal or injected conversion is requested, it is automatically discarded.it is not possible on Pictus Best regards Erwan
2015-02-17 6:07 AM
in CTU in control mode
In CTU control mode, the CPU is able to write in the ADC registers but it cannot start anyconversion. Conversion requests can be generated only by the CTU trigger pulse. If anormal or injected conversion is requested, it is automatically discarded.it is not possible on Pictus Best regards Erwan