2015-06-30 7:50 AM
I am using standby mode for SPC560D MCU. The datasheet mentions about using DRUN or software reset for exiting this mode. Can you please explain on,1. How to configure the DRUN mode? I tried using API 'halSPCSetRunMode' for switching between modes. But when used for DRUN mode, it does not exit the standby mode correctly and a power reset is required. Is any thing missing for this?2. Which are the ways to use software reset for SPC560D? Can I use watchdog reset as a software reset? Is there any other means for software reset?Thanks in advance for any help.Mike.2015-12-11 1:17 AM
Hi Erwan,
After some days pause, I found a solution for this reset issue. It seem s like that the CheckStop Reset is linked to the RESET Pin. And nobody will believe it, there is register for it. If the Register
is set to 1 I have the same behavior with the debugger and without the debugger. Therefore all reset flags will be set correctly.Thank you for your support.
kind regards
Philipp2015-12-11 1:30 AM
Hello Philipp ,
very good finding ;) Best regards Erwan