2015-04-13 2:42 AM
I am currently trying to set up the Watchdog on my SPC560B board.Firstly, after enabling the watchdog and letting it time-out into a reset, it then enters SAFE mode and does not reset the program. RGM.DERD is set to 0 so the watchdog time-out should just reset the program from what I understand?Also, when trying to use the interrupt-then-reset option, the triggered interrupt generates an SE_ILLEGAL and I'm not sure why that is? I have set up the interrupts correctly from what I can tell, setting them up in a similar way to ones I have previously done.Any help greatly appreciated, thanks. #spc560b-watchdog-issues2015-04-13 9:46 AM
Hi Jack
I do know that when I booted the processor from Flash the SWT in its default state would constantly reset the board, until I disabled it using the script in UDE.Kevin2015-04-29 5:48 AM
Hello Jack ,
Did you solve your issue ? we disable the WD by using the following command/* SWT disabled.*/
SWT.SR.R = 0xC520;
SWT.SR.R = 0xD928;
SWT.CR.R = 0xFF00000A;
if you want to enable it , you have to update your WSC (SR)
Watchdog Service Code.This field is used to service the watchdog and to clear the soft lock bit
(SWT_CR.SLK). To service the watchdog, the value 0xA602 followed by 0xB480 is written to the
WSC field. To clear the soft lock bit (SWT_CR.SLKSWT_CR.), the value 0xC520 followed by
0xD928 is written to the WSC field.
and you have to set correctly SWT_CR
maybe ITR
Interrupt Then Reset.
0 = Generate a reset on a time-out
1 = Generate an interrupt on an initial time-out, reset on a second consecutive time-out
(Cf Chapter 35)
Best regards