2013-07-10 01:56 AM
I am trying to configure the ADC to be triggered by the CTU. But using a debugger I can see, that many of my configurations made in Tresos are not taken over to the �C registers. As far as I can see the ''init'' code parts are executed as long as ADC_ResultsBufferPtr[] inside the genrated file Adc_Cfg.c contains NULL_PTR. Sadly I am not able to find the correct setting to get some values in ADC_ResultsBufferPtr[]. How do I get rid of the NULL_PTR entries. Thanks #spc562013-11-19 09:52 AM
Thanks for your post.
can you please: 1) share what is the exact part number you are using (SPC56EL46 is not an ST valid part number - you can read on component marking) 2) send us MCU and ADC configuration files you are currently using. thanks Luca