2019-07-09 11:33 PM
Kindly Refer the attachments.
Can you figure am I doing something wrong on jump to application program? (refer main.c)
Here, the code is flashed in address 0x00008000 as expected, but jump to application is not done. The flash area of the actual PIT program as well, starts from 0x00008000, so I presume, there shouldn't be a problem. (refer flash.png
But the program counter points to 0x400003B0, which is a RAM area. (refer PC.png)
Could you please help me in,
Best Regards,
Prashanth Mohan
2019-07-12 2:09 AM
checking your main, I guess you know SPC5Studio tool. In attachment you can find a project designed for Bolero B Discovery that shows you how to download a binary application (simple PIT test application that blinks 2 leds) in the flash memory at the address 0x00010000 and then jumps to it, starting the execution. When you want to jump to a test application, you have to consider that:
NOTE: for more details of the test application, please refer to the readme.txt file included in the project.
Best Regards,