2017-07-24 6:03 AM
Greetings. I need to use the mp3 codec library specifically developed for STM micro-controllers for my audio project (mentioned on the ST website). Nevertheless, I neither found the library to download it nor was I able to know which STM32 family members it supports. I am currently using the stm32f405 MCU. Any help will be much appreciated!
#stm32 #audio #mp3 #codec #library2017-07-26 8:23 AM
Works with Cortex-M3 (and thus M4 and M7)
Do what is says
'For any further information, or to order the product, please contact your nearest ST sales office.'
Likely licensing and disclosure requirements, so be a commercial customer with a credible product/project.
2017-07-27 12:44 AM
Thank you for this valuable info.
Yes I contacted them and they directed me to someone in my area.
2018-01-11 1:28 PM
Did you ever find the MP3 codec library for STM32?
2018-01-11 5:43 PM
Libraries like this are generally not redistributable, you sign a license, and ST gets to sue you if you break the terms. You should contact a local ST sales office if you have a commercial use case for the codec.
If you are looking for a generic decoder, perhaps widen your scope to code that runs on ARM or Cortex-M platforms.
If you are selling a product using an MPEG codec you will need to also pay the MPEG LA whatever royalty they are due.