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TSZ124 has DC offset at the output pins



I am using a TSZ124 chip to build a circuit for a breadboard experiment. I attached the schematic at the end of this message. I saw a very strange DC offset when I use an oscilloscope to look at its output pin (the input signal itself has no DC offset). Because the experiment is a breadboard experiment and the tsz124 chip that I use has a surface-mount package, I used an adapter (PA0033) for it. During the time when I finished soldering everything, the tsz124 chip works normally with no DC offset. However, after a few minutes or a few hours, the DC offset appears at the output pin. If I resolder everything, the DC offset disappears, but it comes back again after a certain time. I do not understand why this strange thing happen.

In addition, if I replace the tsz124 with an LM324, there is no DC offset anymore.

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Associate III

Hi, have you found the solution? I was searching for TSZ12X series. Capacitors could leak current or maybe your opamp has faulty inner circuits which is rare to see.