2020-04-30 3:54 AM
Dear ST Team,
I am looking for transistors based on FD SOI to buffer signals. The signals I am dealing with are in the mV range, the transistor is placed at around 10 K, and the supply voltage should be around 5 V or less. I have difficulties to contact you via mail: I am looking for a supplier as it is an industrial application.
2020-05-23 4:23 PM
FD-SOI is a digital process around 28nm. It sounds like what you require is a very low noise analogue process, probably using 90nm or larger technology. Why not look at the very low noise op-amps from Linear Technology as one is bound to suit you
2020-05-24 11:34 PM
Thanks. Problem is that most low noise OP amps I know stop working at those temperatures. It has been shown that the FD SOI technology provides ICs that can handle these temperatures.
2020-05-25 1:58 AM
Yes it's the SOI bit that gives it low temperature capability. The FD process can go to low temperatures but is usually used for digitial devices. Doesn't the AD8065 meet your requirements as this is the usual device used in such applications ? Otherwise you will need to contact your ST FAE as this is more a user forum with occasional ST input.