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Associate II
Posted on December 15, 2015 at 07:37


We have chosen TDA7266M 7W Mono amplifier for our new project with out Micro controller interface. As per datasheet recommenced test circuit (Figure 3a: Stand-alone Low-cost Application.) i have assembled & test the circuit with common VS & VCC 12V DC and VS5V & VCC12V. but no response of the output speaker (8Ohm 10W). If i missing any thing Please suggest me

Thank You
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Associate II
Posted on December 15, 2015 at 08:14

hi Panneerr ,

for TDA7266M with stand alone configuration , if you provided power supply and audio input , you should get speaker output .

so please check the voltage level of standby and mute pin .



Associate II
Posted on December 17, 2015 at 06:34

Hi Zhao yun tao,

Thank you for your support,

I have provided input signal from my mobile audio out point & 12VDC gave from DC power supply.

As per datasheet mentioned VTMute max, 4.1V and VTST-BY max. 1.8V. If i connect common VCC & VS 12V and Mute & St-by connected with 47K+47K divider resistor, so it’s have 6V input,

Is there any issue to connect greater than Max. Volt to Mute & St-by Pins?

Note: I have tested with separate power also (VCC=12V; Vs=5V) but no response

S-GND, PW-GND was common

How to check the TDA7266M IC working status? (Tested continuity between GND & VCC also, No short)

 Please suggest

Thank you,
