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Is ST LM358N a rail to rail opamp? If it is not, can I use LM358N to replace OPA2277 due lower costs?

Associate II
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I would like to be sure if they are interchangeable. One of my projects is to upgrade an automotive audio amplifier that currently uses the LM358, in this specific case I would like to know if I can replace it with OPA2277. As the amp uses only one LM358, costs wont be a matter.


Associate III

Opamp rolling is often hazardous. Thats the usage which drive the choice of the circuit then the parts. If your circuit or the other parts of the circuit are not able to support the characteristic of your OPA you wont encounter any improvement, it may also degrade. Stays on LM358, it's manufactured by ST, not the OPA... :)

If you really wants to play with an alternative part, try NE5532 which is bipolar or TL082 wich is fet input. They're both cheap, and not too unstable.