2021-12-16 12:38 AM
Prior to this i am trying to jump the user application from boot application, but it is not working. After change the linker file script in my user application it's working properly.
My application run at 0x0804000.
Now my problem is everything i am done at using BIN file, i am tried with hex file usb bootloader it is not working ?
2021-12-16 5:44 AM
> Now my problem is everything i am done at using BIN file, i am tried with hex file usb bootloader it is not working ?
Flashing using BIN requires you to specify the start address, but is otherwise identical to flashing with a HEX.
Verify the flash was successful by using STM32CubeProgrammer to verify the memory matches the file.
2021-12-16 11:35 PM
@TDK thanks for your replay,
everything right but my problem is write hex file by using "USB host msc class firmware method"