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development your stm32f with ISP only

Associate II
Posted on December 03, 2008 at 21:35

development your stm32f with ISP only

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 12:54

A ISP flash loader ''eisp'', and a serial port debug tool ''eagleCom''. enable you to develop your application without any jtag emulator, also release the jtag PIN for free use.

1,Input file formar:Intel Hex,motorola SREC,IAR simplecode,TI msp430txt.

2,One key operator, No need the step to connect chip.

3,Support serail port above com10.

4,Flexible configuration RTS&DTR to control chip Reset and BOOT0.

5,DownLoad code to SRAM(offset 0x20000200) and execute.

6,cooperate with eagleCom, a free serial port monitor and debug tools.

Though the ISP port UART0 can be a debug monitor port.

Support application development only use ISP serial port.

7,Green Software, No install or setup needed.

8,Free Software

9,Frequent Update, Will support IAP soon...

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 12:54

That is wonderful..... But somebody tell me - anybody actually load and run unknown exes on their computers?

I am asking this question not to run on OP parade. I think this deserve careful consideration on part of ST stuff. What is allowed to be posted on this forum?

Some stuff are easy - no offensive language - this is technical forum - so no political stuff and such......

But what about this? On one side this seems to be interesting peace of software I wouldn't mind to take a look at. On other side there is no way I am running .exe file downloaded from somebody on the net.

So, what to do?

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 12:54

What I don't understand is: why anyone would want to throw away JTAG in favour of a serial debug monitor?! :-o

Serial debug monitors were what we used when we had to because there was nothing better - but I can't see why anyone would go back to that after having used JTAG?!

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 12:54

==First, use isp line for debug monitor release JATG line for GPIO.

==Second, Serial port signal can come out the box of device. reused for ISP/IAP signal. Now we can observe the application after it running in the field.

==Third, some s
Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 12:54

==Serial (USART) programming/debug clearly offers some advantages:

-No need for specialized hardware

-One can easily program PC bootloader/diagnostic apps without knowledge of JTAG protocol

-Free GPIOs.

==The disadvantages, usualy are
Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 12:54

Dear ''havelove''.

I am one of engineers, who never used JTAG, though

I have codes for tens of KB. And your

programs can be very useful for me. But I cannot test

them just now, hope I can do this the next week. In any case

thank you for your effort and do not take in mind


Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 12:54

==Thanks for ''relaxe'', I tested my program In vmware workstation 6.51,and found due to vmware add some delay to serial data transfer, my program will timeout and fail to connect mcu. the new vesion V0.9 correct this issue, and I test it in vmware workstat