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Empty check mechanism on STM32

Martin HUBIK
Associate III

1) GPIOs are not in High impedance after reset
2) User code is not executed after programming empty device

On most STM32s GPIO after reset are configured in high impedance except for Debug pins. Some STM32s implement so called empty check mechanism, which force the MCU to boot into System memory (ST bootloader) when the content of the first address in flash is empty. The ST bootloader configures all supported communication interfaces and associated GPIOs. This allows easy programming of virgin devices but might cause problems when programing on assembled PCB. It might lead to additional current consumption or in worst case to short circuit if Bootloader pins are connected to GND or VDD. After successful programing, certain procedure must be followed to boot into freshly programmed User flash. Simply resetting the device is not enough.
In the table below you can see the availability of Empty check by STM32 series.
STM32 Series
Empty checkArm
STM32 F0 M0
STM32 F1 M3
STM32 F2 M3
STM32 F3 M4
STM32 F4 M4
STM32 F7 M7
STM32 L0 M0+
STM32 L1 M3
STM32 L4 M4
STM32 L5 M33
STM32 H7 M7/M4
STM32 G0 M0+
STM32 G4 M4
STM32 WB M4/M0+

Full list of devices
  • STM32L4+
  • STM32WB
  • STM32G0
  • STM32F04x
  • STM32F09x
  • STM32F070x6
  • STM32F030xC
  • STM32L011x/ STM32L021x
  • STM32L41x/ STM32L42x
  • STM32L43x/ STM32L44x
  • STM32L45x/ STM32L46x

Empty check mechanism is used when BOOT0 is configured to select User Flash memory as target boot area (BOOT0 pin tied to GND). When BOOT0 pin is tied High, the boot selection depends on BOOT1 pin or nBOOT1 option bit.
To prevent execution of ST Bootloader on empty device
  • Keep nRST signal low to keep the device under reset
  • Connect with debugger Under reset. It enables connection to the target using a reset vector catch before executing any instructions, in other words before System bootloader initializes any peripherals and GPIOs
  • Program User flash
  • Clear the Empty check bit to boot from User flash on next reset

Empty check bit is cleared by HW on Power on reset or by reloading Option bytes (see OBL_LAUNCH in reference manuals). There are two additional possibilities on specific devices
  • On STM32G0 and STM32WB it is possible to overwrite the empty check flag in FLASH_ACR register
  • System bootloader on STM32F04x and STM32F070x6 can detect that flash is no longer empty. It then changes the boot memory mapping to Main Flash and performs a jump to user code programmed there.

Tip: On devices with nSWBOOT0 or nBOOT_SEL option bit (like STM32WB, STM32L4, STM32G0) it is possible to force boot from Main flash by using nBOOT0 option bit instead of BOOT0 pin.

This can be achieved by following Option byte configuration:
-nSWBOOT0 = 0 (BOOT0 signal is defined by nBOOT0 option bit) nBOOT0 = 1, for STM32L4 and STM32WB.
-nBOOT_SEL = 1 (BOOT0 signal is defined by nBOOT0 option bit) nBOOT0 = 1, for STM32G0.

For more information, please also check “STM32 boot and startup tips" MOOC on this link


(edit: thanks for fixing typo)

Let's try invoke the author, maybe he will fix it @Martin HUBIK​ 


@Martin HUBIK Any chance this could be updated for the recent additions? In particular the U5, H5 and C0 series, but I think there are others.

There's an additional mechanism in STM32 which are not in the list above and which indeed don't primarily check FLASH to be empty, but have dual-bank FLASH, e.g. 'G4 - if the BLB2 option bit is set (i.e. boot from bank 2 selected, and this is NOT the default setting) and all other bits and pins are set to boot from user FLASH, the bootloader is still entered if neither FLASH contains valid code.

In the 'G4 RM0440, this fact is not contained in the Boot modes table, but is somewhat hidden in the following narrative, so it's relatively easy to miss.

Version history
Last update:
‎2020-08-12 6:32 AM
Updated by: