2016-08-24 12:39 AM
I Encounter a strange problem when using ''st visual develop'':
Yestoday everything was normal. But today when press ''start debugging'' button in my STVD project, STVD Stops Working and collapses。 I am using Window 10. Anybody knows how to solve this? Many thanks!2017-01-12 2:40 AM
Hi Chen. This problem is about COSMIC C compiler.
I already ask to them report this problem to us but didn't answer yet..
I installed the Raisonance compiler using:
);and it is working now...
Best regards
2017-01-16 8:34 AM
what would be the problem with the Cosmic compiler exactly ?
2017-01-16 9:59 AM
Hello Luca...
Sorry about misunderstunding.
In fact, the question should be '
stop working when start debbuging'.I sent an email asking Cosmic Team about that 'error' but they didn't answer yet and i don't know what is the problem with it exactly.
Best regards.
2017-01-17 11:33 AM
apparently we (Cosmic) did not receive your email: please send it again to
or share it here.Regards,
2017-01-25 3:52 AM
Hello Luca.
Tks for help us on this support.
Look follow images.
First of all, when I open my STVD, everything is normal, but when I open my workspace, look that “strange�? toolbars (with legend):
Debugging this code, the problem occurs (STVD STOP Working):
Windows try verify the problem but follow image show that STVD doesn’t answer and it’ll be closed…
Luca, This problem don’t occurs with Raisonance Compiler..
May you know if we can do something for improve COSMIC solution?
Best Regards..
De: luca
Enviada em: terça-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2017 16:35
Para: Wesley Brianez
Assunto: Re: - Re: STVP stop working when start debugging
<https://community.st.com/?et=watches.email.thread> STMicroelectronics Community
Re: STVP stop working when start debugging
reply from luca <https://community.st.com/people/ubiali.luca?et=watches.email.thread> in STM8 MCUs - View the full discussion <https://community.st.com/message/143328-re-stvp-stop-working-when-start-debugging?commentID=143328&et=watches.email.thread#comment-143328>
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