2017-05-10 9:25 AM
I use the IAR embedded workbench IDE (version 2.20.2)
I have to change the project from STM8S003 to STM8AF6223.
in the project options i have set the correct device and added the file stm8s_tim5.c and deleted the file stm8s_tim2.c
in the actual used library STM8S_StdPeriph_Driver I have uncommented the line
&sharpdefine STM8AF626x */ /*!< STM8A Medium density devices */
to switch from STM8S003 to the medium density devices (STM8AF622x/4x)
compiling the project returns a lot of errors related to TIM5.
where can I get the actual release of the needed driver library for the STM8AF6223 ?
thanks for your response!
#stdperiph_driver #iar-embedded-workbench #stm8af6223