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I'm trying to read an ADC(channel 7) which is the internal reference voltage channel for stm8s903f3, to print the adc value read on uart terminal. But for some reason its not continuously printing the adc value that is being updated.

Associate II

It updates if I manually reset the board. I'm setting my baudrate as 11400, but it works only if I select the baudrate as 115200 on hyperterminal. Here is a snippet of what Im working on. (EDIT) It even works when I step through the code, not when I run it

void main(void)








 /* Infinite loop */

 while (1)



  adc_start = FALSE ;



  while(ADC1_GetFlagStatus(ADC1_FLAG_EOC) == 0);


  // Battery voltage calculation

  uint16_t adc_recorded = ADC1_GetBufferValue(7);



void Serial_print_int (int number) //Funtion to print int


char count = 0;

char digit[5] = {0};

while (number != 0) //split the int to char array 


digit[count] = number%10;


number = number/10;


while (count !=0) //print char array in correct direction 


UART1_SendData8(digit[count-1] + 0x30);

while (UART1_GetFlagStatus(UART1_FLAG_TXE) == RESET); //wait for sending 



    count = 0;
