2020-07-28 9:38 AM
2020-07-28 10:49 AM
First you need to decide how you start the IWDG: automatically at power on reset (through option bytes) or "manually" by software. I recommend the software mode, at least while you still learn....
The IWDG is quite simple. You set the timeout period writing the 2 registers IWDG_RLR and IWDG_PR (see ref. manual), than after you enable it, you just have to make sure you refresh it before it times out.
So, you need to generate a refreshing period, usually with a timer, that is lower than the IWDG timeout period. It is important if you generate the refreshing period within an interrupt that you don't reset the IWDG inside the interrupt routine - i.e. this would not brake an infinite loop if interrupts are enabled!
Below an example written in assembly, with 18ms timeout, you can easily pass/adapt it to any C compiler you use:
; Timeout = (1/38kHz)·PS·(RL+1) = 16·(RLR+1)/38 = 18 ms
; RLR = 18·38/16 -1 = 41,75 --> 42
; Timeout = 16·43/38 = 18,1 ms
mov IWDG_KR, #0x55
mov IWDG_RLR, #42
mov IWDG_KR, #0x55
mov IWDG_PR, #0x02
ld A, #0xCC
....and somewhere in a 10 ms periodic handler reset iwdg
mov IWDG_KR, #0xAA
2020-07-28 10:49 AM
First you need to decide how you start the IWDG: automatically at power on reset (through option bytes) or "manually" by software. I recommend the software mode, at least while you still learn....
The IWDG is quite simple. You set the timeout period writing the 2 registers IWDG_RLR and IWDG_PR (see ref. manual), than after you enable it, you just have to make sure you refresh it before it times out.
So, you need to generate a refreshing period, usually with a timer, that is lower than the IWDG timeout period. It is important if you generate the refreshing period within an interrupt that you don't reset the IWDG inside the interrupt routine - i.e. this would not brake an infinite loop if interrupts are enabled!
Below an example written in assembly, with 18ms timeout, you can easily pass/adapt it to any C compiler you use:
; Timeout = (1/38kHz)·PS·(RL+1) = 16·(RLR+1)/38 = 18 ms
; RLR = 18·38/16 -1 = 41,75 --> 42
; Timeout = 16·43/38 = 18,1 ms
mov IWDG_KR, #0x55
mov IWDG_RLR, #42
mov IWDG_KR, #0x55
mov IWDG_PR, #0x02
ld A, #0xCC
....and somewhere in a 10 ms periodic handler reset iwdg
mov IWDG_KR, #0xAA
2020-07-28 9:05 PM
Hello Mr Cristian,
Its working fine in normal RUN mode.
I want to design functionality like after entering into halt mode, Reload value should be updated in IWDG to prevent resetting mcu in HALT mode.
Is it possible, if yes then please let me know.
Thank you and Regards,
Shinde Umesh
2020-07-29 7:37 AM
You would need to refresh the IWDG before entering halt mode. When the CPU is halted, it doesn't execute instructions anymore until it wakes up again - not may events can wake it up from halt!
Yes, you can use halt mode with the IWGD enabled, you just have to make sure it wakes up before IWDG timeout to refresh the IWDG. This means you cannot use timers to generate an event to refresh the IWDG, except for the RTC with active halt mode. If you don't use timers to generate the IWDG refresh event you need some external event to wake up the MCU, and refresh IWDG.