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Forum Posts

Resolved! Where the configuration is stored in STVP

I would like to know where the configuration set in STVP is stored.I'd like to set the configuration automatically, but I don't know where the default storage address is.  

ShawnHong by Associate II
  • 3 replies
  • 1 kudos

Breakpoint on TRAP interrupt gets removed!

I'm using the ST Visual Developer V4.3.12 and trying to do what sample stm8s code suggests, namely set a breakpoint on TRAP interrupt (which I am 99% sure it tripping because of a bug in my code).  The debugger keeps "moving", i.e. removing the break...

Initialized const pointer

How do I correct this code so that the pointer is a constant and not place into RAM?```const typeOfVariable Variable = DEFINED_VARIABLE_VALUE;const typeOfVariable *pVariable = &Variable;````pVariable` keeps ending up in RAM and I've run out of ideas ...

STM8S bootloader Wireshark Dissector?

I am using the STM8S bootloader via a USB/FTDI.  I can use Wireshark/USBpcap and catch the exchanges and I have a somewhat happy "export packets, parse with Python" method of looking at the exchange.But has anyone already written a proper Wireshark d...

AN2659, chaining interrupts, how?

AN2659, section 4.1.3 Vector table redirection, says that "The primary interrupt table contains a set of jumps to the user interrupt table" but the same code that accompanies this document does not seem to implement this - does this code just need to...

Reading mapfiles - a tool for you

I have seen a number of questions about reading the stm8s mapfiles and I was also someone who struggled so the attached tool might be helpful (and do let me know of any errors!).The key elements are:- There are some elements that are stored in ROM ("...

STVisual Develop building libraries

I have a very simple main using UART1 and already my application is 7kB!  The web implies that this is because I am getting a lot of UART1 and CLK code built and linked in that I am never using.  One suggestion is to split the UART1 and CLK files int...