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Posted on March 18, 2014 at 13:49i have made program for DiscoveryL152, with STM8L152. mcu. It works properly. Now i try to start this program on other board with STM8L052C6 mcu. LCD not works - all COMx and segment pins are idle...... In all ST doc...

ygrod by Associate II
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Bootloader WRITE command problem

Posted on March 15, 2014 at 21:40I'm trying to program a STM8AF51AATC using the ROM bootloader. I can connect to it, GET command works. But when I send the WRITE command to send the Erase_Write routines to RAM the µC does not reply with an ACK. What...

gamadril by Associate
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Windows XP remote desktop to Cosmic STM8

Posted on March 11, 2014 at 17:16Cosmic STM8 is installed in Windows XP with license. Since we are working in a networked-host, we will access such Windows XP host using Windows XP remote desktop access. When Cosmic STM8 is started from the physical...

scheung by Associate
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STM8S003F PD4 doesn't work as GPIO

Posted on February 27, 2014 at 14:44Hi all! I am using STM8S003F microcontroller with UART in async mode. I want to use UART1_CK pin as regular GPIO in push-pull mode. This pin is PD4. When peripherals are configured as below:    PD_DDR_DDR4 = 1;   ...

kiroid by Associate II
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STM8S discovery board - Watchdog timer not working?

Posted on March 10, 2014 at 17:41Dear,I am playing around with the STM8S discovery board using STM8S003K3 MCU. I have done with GPIO, timer, ADC, UART, and now I am trying to work with Independent watchdog timer.In the init() function, I have:CLK_SY...

thaip by Associate
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Posted on March 10, 2014 at 08:34Hello, I need help regarding writing data in EEPROM using standard block write operation. Problem is I am unable to execute the steps given in PM0051 in C++. It says that the routine for block write must be executed ...

STM8S and EXTI and Continuous Interrupts

Posted on January 24, 2012 at 08:25MCU: STM8S105C6Port: GPIOBBit: 2 GPIOB:2 is the only pin/bit set up for external interrupt, yet regardless of any edge sensitivity setting in EXTI_CR1, once an interrupt is invoked it is continuously invoked while ...

Workalot by Associate III
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E/H/L ockets of 24 bit address

Posted on February 20, 2014 at 14:13Hi all,I cannot find what the meaning is of those E/H/L parts of the address! Nowhere in the datasheets are the abbreviations explained. I presume H and L are the High and Low ockets but what is E?I don't understa...

albert1 by Associate
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USB hardware with STM8 - library

Posted on November 10, 2013 at 19:22 Hello, Is there any software library that allows to build USB hardware with STM8 microcontroller without any additional chip? I am looking it but I have not found anything so far. Such library would greatly impro...