2021-02-28 6:53 AM
2021-02-28 9:11 AM
I would just follow promoted process. Let's click on "Open Toolchain Manager" button ... as reported trouble is "unkown toolchain".
Most probably your current project is relying on a toolchain which not available (have you updated IDE ?) .... toolchain manager will help you to install it. Or move to project settings assigning it to currently installed one if you're not fixed on a specific toolchain version.
2021-02-28 9:37 AM
Is this after CubeIDE update to version 1.6?
If so, try to "repair" the previous ARM toolchain which the debugger was using previously.
Then it will be available in Toolchain manager and you can select it for the debugger. The the debugger should work.
-- pa
2021-02-28 10:06 AM
2021-02-28 12:05 PM
First: why do you add a local toolchain ? sounds the one you'trying to install as local is already part of installed toolchain according toolchain manager status
Second: if aiming anyway to point by yourself to a local toolchain I guess "features" path is not ok ... let's try "plugins" instead ... you have to provide path to repository where toolchain binaries are
My advice is still to rely on first :) ... then look at project properties to point to expected toolchain:
2021-02-28 12:39 PM
2021-02-28 12:47 PM
According latest sharing your project is not a STM32CubeIDE and not a project relying on any STM32 toolchain so ... no chance to get option here ...
Sounds you have created a common C/C++ project but not a STM32 one. Is such on purpose ?
You can do if on purpose but be aware you're out of STM supported path. STM32CubeIDE support common C/C++ project (Eclipse + CDT basis ... no STM here) but be aware you've to be a bit more skilled then ...
If moving this way let's try to play with
2021-02-28 4:42 PM
Yes this is what I mean. Yes this is what I mean. You have 9-2020 so it may be caused by update to 1.6.0. But the other toolchain should be ARM, not MINGW. It is located under CubeIDE plugins directory, at same level with 9-2020.
-- pa
2021-02-28 4:48 PM
> First: why do you add a local toolchain
Because (al least in my case) the "old" toolchain is present on the disk, it's just the toolchain manager thinks it is not installed.
My theory (maybe wrong) is that the GDB or OpenOCD server "locks" to the toolchain that it gets at the first installation time, and it survives updates.
-- pa