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Deprecated behavior of the linker


Hello ST community,


I have cloned a project developed by a colleague of mine using STM32WBA52 MCU.

When I hit build for the project I got this error "Note: This behavior is deprecated and will be removed in future version of the linker"

I updated STM32CubeIDE to 1.16, but I still get the same error, whereas, the project was initially developed using older version of CubeIDE


Did anyone get into this issue?

Any assistance would be appreciated



Updating probably isn't the way to out run things they plan on removing in the future..

Look at options and metadata reported in the build process, likely a setting or behavior that is being rationalized or breaks something new.

Provide the whole build output, makefiles or IOC

Perhaps look in Linker Script. 

Look if there's a way to regenerate or import the old project. Or make a fresh one and merge back in your configuration. 

Going to be hard to guess without some more specificity..

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