2023-08-11 12:00 PM
Our stm32cubeide project 1.13.1 is using 10.3-2021 toolchain. I'm configuring a docker for automated builds. So far the only way I've identified to install the specific toolchain is by running the GUI toolchain manager. Once installed, the build succeeds.
Is there a specific command line mechanism to achieve this without the UI or will a standard ARM install of the toolchain to the correct "plugins/com.st...." name accomplish the same thing.
2023-08-15 2:39 AM
Hi @jemason
Thank you for posting.
Unfortunately there is no specific command line for your request, for the moment the only way to install the toolchain is manually from the GUI toolchain manager.
You can refer to STM32Cube command-line toolset quick start guide - User manual for more information about command-line toolset in STM32CubeIDE.
Thank you