2023-10-31 2:17 AM
Is there any documentation or guidance on how to configure Yocto to deploy a custom u-boot image?
I've been following https://wiki.st.com/stm32mpu/wiki/How_to_configure_U-Boot_for_your_board and https://wiki.stmicroelectronics.cn/stm32mpu/wiki/STM32MP15_U-Boot with some success, however these stop short of Yocto.
I am able to build our custom build (defconfig, device-tree, with custom source adjustments) but I'm struggling to integrate into Yocto, to complete the flow to a final SD Card image.
When I add my variant to `UBOOT_CONFIG` it builds it, but `trusted_stm32mp15` is appended and seems to be the one in the deploy folder: tmp-glibc/deploy/images/<IMAGE_NAME>/u-boot/ and tmp-glibc/deploy/images/<IMAGE_NAME>/fip
My machine.conf file has:
2023-11-03 6:36 AM
Hello @jamescc,
Regarding your summary, I think you made the major part of the work now !
Can you share me your machine.conf file ? Did you well checked that your UBOOT_CONFIG variable is made after the include conf/machine/include/st-machine-common-stm32mp.inc line ? Otherwise it will be overwritten by UBOOT_CONFIG = " ".
Kind regards,
2023-11-06 12:03 AM
Thanks for your response. Yes it felt like this should have been the less complex part.
Here is our `machine.conf` file. It is nothing too elaborate at this stage. The setting of UBOOT_CONFIG is done at the end, long after include conf/machine/include/st-machine-common-stm32mp.inc
As we are about to start the bring-up of this board, we've gone down the route of patching the existing ST uboot DK2 and EVAL board implementation for now, but ideally, I'd like to create a new u-boot board.
Thanks JamesCC
#@TYPE: Machine Butcombe development from the Alpha boards to the DK2 development
#@NAME: butcombe-dk2-alpha
#@DESCRIPTION: Configuration for STM32CubeMX generated project
#@NEEDED_BSPLAYERS: layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe layers/meta-openembedded/meta-python layers/meta-butcombe
# Define specific common machine name
MACHINEOVERRIDES .= ":stm32mp1common:stm32mp15common"
include conf/machine/include/st-machine-common-stm32mp.inc
include conf/machine/include/st-machine-providers-stm32mp.inc
# =========================================================================
# Chip architecture
# =========================================================================
DEFAULTTUNE = "cortexa7thf-neon-vfpv4"
include conf/machine/include/arm/armv7a/tune-cortexa7.inc
# =========================================================================
# boot scheme
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
# boot device
# =========================================================================
# Define the boot device supported
#BOOTDEVICE_LABELS += "nand-4-256"
#BOOTDEVICE_LABELS += "nor-sdcard"
# =========================================================================
# boot device
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
# Machine settings
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
# Machine features (default for stm32mp1 like)
# =========================================================================
MACHINE_FEATURES += "splashscreen"
MACHINE_FEATURES += "watchdog"
MACHINE_FEATURES += "${@'gpu' if d.getVar('ACCEPT_EULA_'+d.getVar('MACHINE')) == '1' else ''}"
# =========================================================================
# Device Storage
# =========================================================================
# Enable the board device storage support with CUBEMX_DTB according to BOOTDEVICE_LABELS
DEVICE_BOARD_ENABLE:NAND += "${@bb.utils.contains('BOOTDEVICE_LABELS', 'nand-4-256', '${CUBEMX_DTB}', '', d)}"
DEVICE_BOARD_ENABLE:NOR += "${@bb.utils.contains('BOOTDEVICE_LABELS', 'nor-sdcard' , '${CUBEMX_DTB}', '', d)}"
DEVICE_BOARD_ENABLE:EMMC += "${@bb.utils.contains('BOOTDEVICE_LABELS', 'emmc', '${CUBEMX_DTB}', '', d)}"
DEVICE_BOARD_ENABLE:SDCARD += "${@bb.utils.contains('BOOTDEVICE_LABELS', 'sdcard', '${CUBEMX_DTB}', '', d)}"
# =========================================================================
# Flashlayout
# =========================================================================
FLASHLAYOUT_TYPE_LABELS:emmc = "${@bb.utils.contains('BOOTDEVICE_LABELS', 'emmc', '${CUBEMX_DTB}', '', d)}"
FLASHLAYOUT_TYPE_LABELS:nand-4-256 = "${@bb.utils.contains('BOOTDEVICE_LABELS', 'nand-4-256', '${CUBEMX_DTB}', '', d)}"
FLASHLAYOUT_TYPE_LABELS:nor-sdcard = "${@bb.utils.contains('BOOTDEVICE_LABELS', 'nor-sdcard' , '${CUBEMX_DTB}', '', d)}"
FLASHLAYOUT_TYPE_LABELS:sdcard = "${@bb.utils.contains('BOOTDEVICE_LABELS', 'sdcard', '${CUBEMX_DTB}', '', d)}"
# Specific settings for 'extensible' and 'deleteall' configurations
FLASHLAYOUT_CONFIG_LABELS:deleteall = "cubemx"
# =========================================================================
# CubeMX extra config
# =========================================================================
# User machine customization sections
# Boot Scheme
# =========================================================================
# (set above)
# Support Feature Choice
# =========================================================================
# Define the features to enable on board
# Specific firmwares and kernel modules configuration
# =========================================================================
# Set the list of kernel module to be auto-loaded during boot
# CubeMX Project Config
# =========================================================================
# Assign CubeMX Board devicetree and project path name
CUBEMX_DTB = "stm32mp157d-butcombe-beta-mx"
CUBEMX_PROJECT ?= "${TOPDIR}/../layers/meta-butcombe/device-tree/butcombe-beta"
#Indicate which STM32MP package are used: 'A', 'C', 'D' or 'F' A:No Crypt C:Crypt D:no Crypt, Performance, F:Crypt, Performance
# Indicate the size of DDR available on BOARD: 512 or 1024 (size in MB unit)
# Indicate if you like to disable the DVFS which are activated by default
# U-Boot config
UBOOT_CONFIG = "viper_butcombe_beta"
UBOOT_CONFIG[viper_butcombe_beta] = "viper-innovations_butcombe-beta_defconfig,,u-boot.dtb"
2023-11-08 2:45 AM
Hi @jamescc ,
Sorry for the delay, I was some days off.
Regarding recipes process, I ask myself if the root cause is not the MACHINEOVERRIDES statement. Because I think that whatever you do with the UBOOT_CONFIG after, it will still take the first config appended that is trusted_stm32mp15 (but this is a pure theory by reading the recipe).
Is it possible for you to make a test without this overriding statement ?
Kind regards,
2023-11-13 11:22 AM
Thanks for your response; we will return to this after our board bring-up (which has taken our attention right now).